Two weeks ago we noticed Brody’s left eye was looking extra red and maybe slightly swollen. I took him into the vet expecting them to tell me he had scratched it or somehow it was infected…give me some antibiotics…and send me home. Instead, we were sent to a doggie ophthalmologist.
Our vet had her suspicions, but it was confirmed that Brody has a growth growing behind his eye and it is pressing on the eye. We were absolutely crushed. (Thank you all for your outpouring of love when we found out.)
Surgery is scheduled for tomorrow and we are very anxious. The plan is to remove the tumor (if it is not too large or intrusive) and his right eye. They will biopsy the tumor after removal and let us know if it is cancerous or not.
I could tell you all the thousands of reasons why we all love Brody — and there truly are thousands — but instead I wanted to share how he spent today doing his favorite thing in the whole world…playing fetch.
We love our crazy little raggamuffin, so very much.
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sending you guys good vibes. I will be at the vet as well tomorrow. With both of our 20 year old cats, who are suddenly feeling their senior years. I hope the news is good all around..
So very sorry that Brody has to go through this, and you, as well. Will be saying a prayer for his recovery and good health. Stay strong … so many of us have gone through this … you have many shoulders. Keep us posted.
Sending puppy prayers for a speedy recovery. (((hugs)))
I know what you are going through. Our oscar had a tumor in an area that would have caused him to be incontinent. He was 13 years old and after discussing options with the vet we came to the conclusion that at his age surgery was not a good option. We had him for another year until the pain.became too much for him and then we let him go. We will always love him and have great memories and pictures. Leaving is the hardest part of life whether it is a person or a pet. I will pray for your beloved friend and you.
I’m so sorry for your loss. We lost our Oscar to cancer as well a few years ago. He was the dog we grew up. It always sucks.
So Jessica, how is your beauty dog?
How is he doing after the surgery, I hope he is very well!!
I hope everything goes ok with Brody’s surgery. My cat had a tumor so I know what you are going through.
Sorry about your dog hope things turn out good for him he is so cute prayers all around I am having surgery tomorrow to. God bless
Thinking of you and that sweet little puppy.
Prayers for Brody, I know how much you love him because I’m a doggie mama. I pray they can fix his eye without much damage to the eyeball. Either way he will be loved, and all the better for it. God please take care of Brody, heal his sick eye and take away any doubts about cancer. Cancer took the life of my Miss Spotty Dotty and it really hurts. They are our babies, our little hairy people, and give us love unconditionally. God Bless and keep us posted on Brody’s recovery
Sending big hugs. Never easy to loose a pet…even though we know it’s inevitable.
Blessings on Brody and your family. He will be playing fetch with you very soon.
Ohh All the best for Brody!!!! I’m sure he’ll be back to play fetch very soon! I’ll remember you all in my prayers
Sending prayers and good thoughts to you all.
OH, good luck with the surgery!! Praying that everything goes well and that the tumor is not cancerous. Dogs are pretty good at bouncing back…he’ll be playing ball sooner than you think. Love your blog!! =D
I’m sure your fur baby will come thru with flying colors 🙂 Mine is 15 and has good days and bad so I know your anxiety well. God bless!
Praying for a good result for Brody and your beautiful family.
Praying for your little guy! Dogs are definitely part of the family for us, too.
I know you all are devastated. Doggies are part of the family and if my Chloe had a potential bad problem, I would be. I have heard if I didn’t have a dog my wallet would be full, my house would be clean, my heart would be empty. Doggies; God’s gift to people.
Praying that everything goes well with Brody …
Hope Brody does well with his surgery. And gets better soon.
I’m so sorry to hear about Brody. I too know that feeling when your baby is sick. I hope everything turns out well for Brody. We had 19 wonderful years with our kitty Bobbi.
I didn’t realize you had a kitty named Bobbi! We have a kitty named Bobbi as well. I’m sorry to hear you lost her. It’s always so difficult. We lost one of our other kitties back in August and it still hurts. Sending hugs!
Best of luck for Brody and your family. My thoughts and prayers are with you.